Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Perfect Day

I took advantage of this gorgeous day to be outside. I spent the morning working on Julie's quilt and decided to hang it on the clothesline for a picture. I really like the way it has turned out, I especially like the wacky, patchy, scrappy color scheme. I hope she likes it. I'm on the fence about the border color, my gut tells me white. I need to give it a little more thought.
   I then decided to do a little yard clean-up. So I spiffed up the coop, and took down another tarp. I'm leaving the south side and top tarp on. The top tarp will do a good job of keeping  the rain out of the run, and until I plant giant sunflowers on the south side, I'm leaving that tarp up. The south side gets so much sun, I thought it best to leave it up for some shade. 
I also cleaned up the back door path. It  was so mulch-covered from the chickens kicking it out of the flowerbeds you couldn't even see the flagstone. It is futile trying to keep up the them. 
Denny is enjoying his trip to Atlanta. There is a big wing-ding barbecue at my brother's this afternoon, so that should be fun. And I'm  seriously thinking of having popcorn for dinner! 

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